Thursday, November 11, 2004

here ender ender ender

he has not found me. this is due perhaps to his own negligence, his own inability to see the vast danger that is taking form right before his very virtual eyes, or perhaps it is due to my minions being altogether too well-suited to cloak-and-dagger techniques. the "letterM" project is progressing. his fear is growing, i can tell by the desperation with which he clings to the letter that will soon abandon him and march solely within my ranks, nay lead my ever-swelling army. the cause is grand, my friends, and we shall be victorious-- it is only a matter of time. be a footsoldier and enlist in the greatest struggle our time has seen. down with ender! he has not found me. he will never find me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wherever the soul hath an opening, then both light and dark shall therefore flood. finding the villain is only finding oneself the hero.

the heart is stout. the eyes seek nobility. the hands work grace. the soul harbors all.

never has arrived.

November 25, 2004 at 2:35 PM  

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